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Election 2008



Election 2008
. ........Yarmouth Election 2008 .........




Will the Taxpayers of Yarmouth...be able to Hold Up ? ? ? ? ..... ..''Yikes''..

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yup...Keep'Em....in the dark....
             ..... ....              ..... ....              ..... ....              ..... ....     .
There is only one person running for ....Mayor of Yarmouth Nova Scotia..... Who has what it takes..... to stand up to to the secretive..... short-sighted....self-serving.....self-important.... ''Little People'' controlling and running this Town into the ground...... ..Vote for Mr. Peanut...he is our only hope.....
                ..... .... 

.....''Mr. Peanut''.....


Some people say Yarmouth Town Council has had their ''Heads in the Sand''........Nope........Let's Roll It....one more time.........click above

These two Pit-Bulls now know that they can dominate humans and tear them apart.......what do you think Yarmouth Town Council and Law Enforcement is going to do about this.........your Right.


. ...I have had my suspicions for some time...that the guy who coined the Yarmouth Town motto...''Progress''...was being sarcastic......I am now certain of it....................

. ...Yes that's right......it is Roy Zinck of CJLS....on Main Street....sniffing out a news story......he certainly has developed the proper equipment............funny thing ....a reporter from away...called me today.....asking about this web site.........let's hope he can be ''accurate'' and most importantly ''truthful''....if he writes anything about all this nonsense...........let's hope he doesn't end up like poor Roy....constantly abused by that Cricket....and needing a handler....when out in public.........he only had to tell the truth....the truth is so easy...
     . /tr>
. ...The handler is really there..to prevent Roy from tripping on the ....Truth.........and to beat off the Cricket..
. ...Oh Ya...what do you figure......there are a number of people around here looking to get their noses in the trough.....more candidates are gearing up...I am willing to bet...they don't have the courage to speak up..so....called the outside media......and told them about this little web site.........how pathetic...........don't worry you to...will all be up there ....at Town Hall Lanes....and likely ...spending much of your time.....in the gutter....
.. ...Oh ya....the reporter asks me...''Haven't you ever heard you can't beat Town Hall.''....I said ''No.''..........is there something I have missed here ? ?
.So here it is a week or so later and a friend of my wife shows her Frank Magazine...... ...Below is the article in Frank Magazine...written by a person calling himself ...'' A. Gittator ''...but I don't believe it...I am certain this is written by Frank's Ace Reporter.....''Ed Uphisass''.....they should check that these people can actually read...........most of the information below is inaccurate....even so... Ed will not likely show any signs of the excessive nasal growth.... considering his head is usually ....not visible..............he would get on well with ''my little feathered friends'' at Town Hall.....an obvious diminished capacity in any case....


.. ...Openness.....Accountability.......oh ya and a ...Cronie Free Zone.....that's what we need from Town Hall..........almost forgot we need to implement the ''B.S. By-Law'' ...right away
.. ...This Town Council....has made no effort to set up a Youth Center or Community Center.......but is right now having a...Mega-Yacht Dock built....for the very..very..very..self-important.....the Town has purchased a launch to ferry these personages.........The Clock Is Ticking...
..Yes ''Luvy'' the Festival is ending in Cannes...it ''is'' getting tiresome...here in Monte Carlo....let's have Fredrico....steer a course for.... Good Old Yarmouth Nova Scotia...........
.. ...May 15th 2008...Yarmouth Town Council Meeting....well it was ....something to behold...Our Taxes Will Rise......the promised reduction in the tax rate of two years ago...deleted from all records... ..The Council.... has raised our ........ Garbage Collection Rates...and will raise our Sewer Rates... our Water Rates... is giving a blank check to SWSDA....and God knows who else......the black cash hole at the...Yarmouth International Airport is getting..deeper.......the Mariners Center is in the red.........and we will soon have the responsiblity for the Ferry Terminal...........and to Top It Off... they raised the Mayor's Salary by $5000.00..... ? ? ? ? .....there is so much to work with... in this council meeting....I don't know where to start....the details of the outgoings.....must be very interesting........remember a few months ago I stated on this web site...that some of our very ...very important councilors would be off to ...Paris...in the Spring.....guess what....yup...... .. the never ending pot of cash........what a meeting........the Clock is Ticking..........and I have a feeling we have some new candidates.... lining up...at the trough....already
..The 2008-2009 Budget for The Town Of Yarmouth..... ................Raising the Rates......Raising the Mayor's Salary.........Trips to Europe.....Mega-Yacht Docks............No Mention of Fiscal Restraint...no tightening the Belt for Town Council or ...Town Staff.........In this time of severe economic downturn.....it is full steam ahead.......the money flows.... down the streets of Good Old Yarmouth....... ....the rudderless ship......sails on.....
. We need......A Clean Sweep Of Yarmouth Town Hall...
...Yes I know...complain....complain.... several of you...at Town Hall...can't help yourselves....you read my web page....... .....Well they have not put ....Benevolent Dictator on the ballot...so that leaves out any political ambitions...from the Peanut Gallery ............. to put this Town on track.......first.. the present Cronie infested state..must be resolved...a clean sweep..[painful but necessary]......we need people with knowledge not connections...........then with Federal-Provincial Funding and Private participation and funding.....cut the red tape...open the areas west of Main Street to develop ....low rise condo apartments...[including ground floor]...high and low income rental apartments...From Milton to Church Hill......and the center piece a Multi-Purpose Convention-Arts-Community-Youth Center...Farmer's Market......extending from Main to Water Street..''Located next to Frost Park''... possibly teamed with a Hotelier.... .........
..June 1st 2008..... .....Fire... The Tri-County School Board....... ....Re-hire...the 24 teachers and 18 school councilors, mentors and school support staff.....

June 18th....Click on the photo to read the news story....figure it out for yourself....... .....are our three feathered friends talking about how they can run eighteen-wheelers..... .......Down Forest Street.....
    Click on the photo to read the news story....figure it out for yourself.........The Ex-Chairwoman, who let the ''cat out of the bag'' regarding the intended fate of Forest Street, discusses the...''Master Plan'' for the Port Of Yarmouth with the main distributor of cash for economic development...Frank Anderson....... I figure they might be saying.......''We can run the big rigs right down Forest Street...once we widen the road and get rid the Trees.''.........             

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Listen to Councilor Hood..click above....... Councilor Hood says the destruction of the trees on Forest Street is not something he wants.......Well Councilor Hood...If you and Councilor Dares had not dis-honestly used your positions as Town Councilors to ........interfere in a citizen's committee and have that committee disbanded....we would be talking about protecting Forest Street not destroying it......... the facts show your statement has no credibility...................The other person speaking is Garnet Horton a concerned citizen representing people of Argyle Street....an area that has already been run into the ground by the self-serving, self-important greedy. His street has already been made a truck route with no planning, thought or preparation...... ..Councilors...just step aside....don't re offer in this up coming election........your years of incompetence has pretty much finished off...this town................. ............

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June 19th....Yarmouth Town Council Meeting.......Councilor Judge begins to regain consciousness.... .....If the Councilor had read my web site over the past year....he would have noticed the fact...that...the self-serving...self important...for their own..short term gain....want to...Widen the street....cut the trees ....destroy the beauty and historical integrity..... to run eighteen-wheelers..... .......Down Forest Street.....

Listen to Councilor Judge..click above....... Councilor Judge says the destruction of Forest Street was ''not on the books''.......Well Councilor Judge...I figure the fact is ....they just did not want you to ''read the books''...or anyone else....until it was too late................you should have read this web site last year........ .....I have been right on every point...from the start......... ....Councilor Judge is speaking sarcastically on the recording........
widen the road and destroy the Trees.....destroy the last intact Victorian Streetscape in Yarmouth...........In a small country town you do not expect your Town Council ...to be ''critical thinkers''....but you do expect them to be .. Honest .......... We Lose...on Both Counts.....
7500.00 dollar Tent and two weeks later.....Another Farmers Market....on Starrs Road.....no Not downtown....nope...Starrs Road..........
. ''As The Money Flows.''.........Is This Council Completely Hopeless..........on top of that... the fact that Yarmouth has no ...Credible...media coverage...of crucial issues.....leaves the community..... completely in the dark.................
.. ..JuLY 5TH 2008....... I interviewed our local paper's Ace Reporter, today in front of my house...on Forest Street....let's let him off the hook....he has his nose to the grind stone.....he is over-worked..Town Hall....Sports...community events....Weather....and he doesn't want people running from him ....when he walks into ..Tim Hortons......and he needs a social life........
.. ..During the interview the reporter was asked his opinion of Councilor Judge's new found insight into the destruction of Forest Street...........He said Murray pretty much calls em as he sees them..........yes ..true......but does he see.....No Councilor Judge Has Been In The Dark........You know Councilor as a lawyer , a prosecutor ...of all people ...you should know that the detail of the evidence......is where lies the Truth...........
.....anyway....Let's let the Ace Reporter off the hook....for now......but the cat loving Editor of our local newspaper....if he has time to waste half a page of a newspaper on a cat story...EACH WEEK.......no...cats are great...we have two local hobos ourselves.....but come on lets use that pen of the Fifth Estate .... to get to the bottom of the ....cat litter....let's hear ..WHO.. is reaping the benefits of all the bullshit....going on in ...Good Old Yarmouth Nova Scotia.............let's make a list that our Editor might like to work with... .........
     and a new Black Hole
. ....Yarmouth International Airport......The Great Money Pit.......
. ....Take Over the Ferry Terminal....which Cronies will benefit from this folly ? ? ? ........The tax dollars that will be dumped into this......they might as well shoot us.....
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      .... The Mega Yacht Dock ? ? ? ...............    .
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. ....The Last Train...The Last Plane...The Last Ferry Leaving Yarmouth............
The Destruction of...Forest Street........ .....The Last.. Intact.. Victorian Streetscape.........
.....don't let the pervasive apathy and the all encompassing social and political pressures..desaude you....you are too old for that...Mr. Editor..........Speak Up....Do The Right Thing.....or leave you name at the door... with the rest who failed to stand up in the end.... .. ....It Is Time To Act...Now..............
...''The New Business Floating Zone''.....  
...''..The Town's People have no idea......foggy night...''...
...Yarmouth Town Council Meeting July 10th 2008.........they have out done themselves this time... .. They had better start putting some proper development standards in place pretty ....fast...

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.Where is The Plan ? ? ? .................
July..24th...2008..... Well what do you know our local newspaper Editor has changed his tune...switched from wasting space on ''cat stories''.....to ..''Lamp Shades''..... ? ? ? .............. ...........
July 24th 2008.....Well here in Good Old Yarmouth.....I have not only been forced to do my own...Law Enforcement......and mount my own private prosecutions in court.......but now I must enforce any breaches of Town By-laws...which infringe on my rights as a property owner..........myself....... .....and to top it off........ ....my friend Gumby....''Ace Reporter''...for this publication.....was threatened by a local Councilman and...''QC''....at a public meeting.......witnesses say that Gumby's threatened crushing and insertion deep into the horrible abyss of the ''QC's'' posterior....would have been a disgusting and horrific end ...to his short ..but brilliant journalistic career........ fortunately I was there ...........

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Yarmouth Town Council Meeting August 14th 2008.....Councilors adopt a new motto......

. ....Oh Yes....we will soon have another Town employee....staring at a computer screen......a full time... year round ...DownTown...Events ...Co-ordinator.........please ....just shoot us taxpayers...pleeeasssssee...




.....The Town of Yarmouth's .. ''Truck Route Fiasco...has been top of my list for some time..... the solution has surfaced ........ ... . .''The Milton Hub'' Project . . ...


. ....If Roy Zinck Owner Of Radio Station CJLS........Does not Like Being Called A ...LIAR....Then Mr. Zinck......should Publicly Retract his Defamatory Erroneous Statements......
.....Yarmouth Town Council's new.....''Business Floating Zone.'' .................
....the main supplier of ...iced-crack cocaine....in ''goodoldyarmouthnovascotia'' for at least the last five years.....is still operating full tilt, with what seems to be immunity.......WHY.......I know the RCMP are buying all the surrounding houses....so they can keep a close eye on him.....could he be operating from the new ''Business Floating Zone.''.............yes you can open a ''Drug Store'' right in your own house........maybe our Town Council and it's Police Advisory Board... will be soon considering terminating the RCMP contract.... and forming ..... our Own Local Police Force.......brilliant.......wouldn't that be just perfect.......wouldn't that just be the ''Icing on the Cake''....just the trick .................
From Yarmouth news paper...Aug.26.2008....''Yarmouth ferry terminal woefully inadequate compared to Portland’s new facility.''.........here we go.....I purpose we use the ''methane gas'' generated by our Town Council to heat our homes..........
I have to keep painting... I have asked our Ace Reporter ''Gumby''....to cover the Finance Committee meeting...Aug.27.2008....let's all hope he does not have another unfortunate run in with a certain Town Councilor..QC..........
August 27th. 2008

   . .....''Vote Mr. Peanut''......
My Neighbour has decided to run for ....Mayor of Yarmouth Nova Scotia..... ..Vote for him...it's our only hope.....
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       .....''The Plan''......
The Yarmouth Airport......has been an Albatross around the necks of the taxpayer for far too many years......face it....dozens of airlines around the world are going under....there is no way an airline is going put Yarmouth on their air route....no way.......the money being wasted year after year after year on....Overseas junket after junket after junket for our Politicians.....fat checks for members of boards and the cronies......seven permanant airport staff.....and an Airport Manager.....there are ''No Air Planes''....Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars dumped into the Black Hole......now the ''Air Show''...reported to be costing 250 Thousand Dollars ..........I would like to know how much money has been squandered on that Airport since it closed over ten years ago................maintain the runway ....yes..... but board up the terminal .... and we don't need seven people and a manager staring at computer screens........they should find employment elsewhere.....................spend the money on our Town .....hire an independent educated consulting firm...from away......This Town needs a comprehensive ''Plan'' to guide it into the 21st century...... ..We Need A Plan.....
Featured in the videos below is the voice of candidate for Town Council .....Martha Cassidy....judge for yourself......I don't think she was seeking the local Anglican vote.....or the vote of the residents of Forest Street.....for that matter...I can't figure out who's vote she is trying to attract.......after watching Martha during committee meetings for over a year.....I would suggest that Martha drop out of the race and do some work in the garden.....it can be very therapeutic.............and would have to be a positive for Yarmouth.
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''Candidate Martha Cassidy on..Anglican Parking Habits''
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''Candidate Martha Cassidy on..Forest Street...The Truck Route''
September 1st 2008..... As you all have now probably realized.....we are in big trouble in Goodoldyarmouth......we can't take ''4 more years'' ..either........

''Your Wondering Now''
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''These people do not embarrass easily''
Sept.21th 2008....26 days to go..... They are claiming the biggest issue in Yarmouth's Election is......... .....The Signage By-Law ? ? ? ? .. .....shot me........shot me now........shot me quick
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...''Pie In The Sky''...
...Breaking News....
''Inaugural Flight of P.I.T.S AIRWAYS...Lands at Yarmouth International Airport''
  ...        ..... .... 

...''In my opinion Electing Martha Cassidy to Yarmouth Town Council would lead to the widening of Forest Street... to accommodate heavy trucks, parking , new side walks, curb and guttering and the destruction of most if not all of the 130 year old trees. . . . . . . . . . . The destruction of this unique Victorian Streetscape, the last intact streetscape would be a severe loss to this community.''...
''As The River Flows''..''Yarmouth Town Councilors are Oblivious''
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''Updated every couple of days''
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''The Public's Right To Know''
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''Let's See The Books''
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? ? ? ?
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Mr. Peanut says..... .....Do these people have any idea.....at all ? ? ? ? .....
......Two Years Ago......After watching a Yarmouth Town Council Meeting ... at which was discussed, at great length, our present Town by-laws regarding...... Dog Shit....and at the same meeting the proposal of the ...Horse Shit....by-law....which was passed.......I then proposed the Bull Shit by-law....to the Mayor and some Councilors.....this by-law requiring that all Council members carry bags to clean up after Council meetings.........At that Time this proposal did not gain momentum.....I believe it is now Time... as this election fast approaches.....to revisit this proposed B.S. By-law.........it is already piling up.... ......B.S. By-law..........
''Rain Water Gardens''
''Offshore Energy: Germany Plans Wind Parks on the Open Sea''
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Wanted......only Flunkies and Cronies need apply to the......Boards....Committees...of...Yarmouth Town Hall.......Hiring...more Co-Ordinators.....more Developement Officers......Hiring more and more.......and more..... they want ''us'' to subsidize the Airport....the Ferry Terminal.... Mariner's Center...The Mariners Hockey Team...the Golf Club...The Old Boys Club.....overseas trips for our Town Councilors and cronies.......Canadian Tire Farm Market....The Mega Yacht Dock.......and of course The Launch to ferry the important Yacht owners to shore....... new trucks....new cars....new...new.. new ...more....more ...more.....me...me....me....etc...etc...etc.. the Endless River Of Cash flows through the streets...of Good Old Yarmouth........
''Fiscal Restraint''..''In A Time Of Severe Economic Downturn.''
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''Fiscal Restraint''..''There is something inherently unethical about jamming large expenditures of tax dollars.... through Town Council........just days before an election.''
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Mr. Peanut says..... .....Yarmouth needs a ..Transparent...Accountable....Town Hall..........All committee and board meetings digitally recorded and placed on the Town Web Site.......
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Mr. Peanut says..... .....A ''Complete Record'' of All Expenditure of Tax Dollars.... made by Town Hall.....placed on the Town Web Site.......
''VOTE.....For ..Mr. Peanut.''
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It is amazing how profitable..for certain people...a ''non-profit organization'' can be in Good Old Yarmouth Nova Scotia.
    for a refreshing break click on the Coke sign ......

...click.......   . . .Coca . . .Cola.. ...

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''Now for my own personnal battle with Yarmouth Town Hall.''....'' Light Trespass ''
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NEW.....October 9th 2008 Yarmouth Town Council Meeting............The only Yarmouth Town Councilor with a Spine......Councilor Wally Strickland.... ..Asks Town Hall Staff representative....The CAO for the Town of Yarmouth ...Mr. Jeff Gushue.......To Explain.........What's going on. ? ? ...Listen....To what he has to say......
Click Below

. Listen........Town Hall says they will not answer my questions.... ...WHY.......get this......'' Because he is persistent. ''....Well Town Hall is finally right about something.............I was born ''persistent''...
             .   .
. ....Mr. Gushue says Three People at Town Hall ...approved the report......''Well''.....''Let's Hear The Report''................


. publicsrighttoknow.angelfire.com

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. .......The Endless River of Cash....Flows Through the Streets of Good Old Yarmouth.. Nova Scotia..........

Yarmouth Town Council is '' Wondering Now ''



.. ......Yes .. So what is Yarmouth Town Council going to do about the Main Crack dealer......What?.............. ....

.. ......Let's listen to Mayor Crosby.....and Mayor-Elect Mooney......answer the question........... ..click below..


.. ......Yes .. so.. we the citizens have to take care of this?...we have to do it?...That's right........what??....did I hear correctly? ? ...So let me get this straight.....it is up to us.... to get rid of the drug dealers........up to us...... ..''We The People''..





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''Ya..Ya..I know it can't be $4.50 per day.... can it?....but....because a couple of our local self-important...self-serving.... week-end sailors ....needed somewhere to park their sailboat.......''
..Thurston Howell IV relaxing on board his yacht in the Mediterranean makes a bold decision..... ''Fredrico''....''Fredrico''.....''My good man.''..''full speed ahead.''......''North''........
..Yes ''Luvy'' the Festival is ending in Cannes...it ''is'' getting tiresome...here in Monte Carlo....I have instructed... Fredrico....to steer a course for.... Good Old Yarmouth Nova Scotia...........
''The Tax Payers of Yarmouth are ....lumbered with another...Albatross...around our necks............''
   Enough.       Enough. .

..Do ''You The People''....have any recollection...at all?......any?........you know when Yarmouth Town Council....asked you..whether or not you want to spend your Tax Dollars on a ...... Mega-Yacht Dock ? ? ?...........


To re-vitilize the Town of Yarmouth....we must... .......cut the red tape...open the areas west of Main Street to develop ....low rise condo apartments...[including ground floor]...high and low income rental apartments...From Milton to Church Hill......and the center piece a Multi-Purpose Convention-Arts-Community-Youth Center...Farmer's Market......extending from Main to Water Street..''Located next to Frost Park''... possibly teamed with a Hotelier.... .........
        . The Town of Yarmouth...needs...advice..Urban Planning Consultants......
A very impressive list of Yarc...supporters ...published in the newspaper.......Supporting building the Arts Center...outback....on Parade Street.........Nice People...well meaning.....but misguided.....the Right thing to do is... .....Build the Arts Center on Main Street.....


''Look at the public money that has been mismanaged over the past 20 years......''
''Cut Spending''
''Cut Taxes...Now''
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In this time of severe ecconomic downturn......a complete review of the year's budget for the Town of Yarmouth's ....should be undertaken immediately... ......... ''Time To Cut The Belt.... and Tighten It''..... .....A ''Complete ..detailed.. Record'' of All Expenditure of Tax Dollars.... made by Town Hall.....placed on the Town Web Site.......

.. ......Yarmouth Town Hall needs to publish the names of all committee and board members ...who in any way decide how public money is being spent...................................The length of time these people have sat on these committees and boards needs to be published......Two years should be the limit..................Let the public see where these committee and board members actually live........These people making decisions affecting our Town and spending the Town's money....should live in the Town Of Yarmouth........, ..''It is time to clean house.''..
''It Is Time For Some Commonsense''



Yes...I said unbiased and reputable....what does that mean ? ? click
So what's going on in Good Old Yarmouth ? ?


Storm Water Management....the Town of Yarmouth....is ideal... for implementation of ''Rain Water Gardens'' click



Mayor Mooney exclaims......'' Here We Go ! ! ''......


..........   . . . . . ... .




Has the spigot to the Trough...in the Town of Yarmouth....been turned off ? ? ? ? ........... ? ? ?

''Updated every couple of days''
. .......rodhemeon@aol.com..........
Now for another commercial Break. For Sale.........A beautiful Old Victorian Property... ..Click Below.
Click Below


. Facebook.........Save Yarmouth's Forest Street... ..Click Below.
Click Facebook Below

BACK TO THE BEGINNING . July 2007.........Let's Watch Old Yarmouth Die... ..Click the Snake Oil.
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        OR.... go to yarmouthhellofamess.... click on the Pit Bull ......

...yarmouthhellofamess.......   . . . . . .Grrrrr.. ...

               OR.... does the public really need to know what is going on ? ? ? .... click on the bowling pin ......

...goodolyarmouthnovascotia.angelfire.com.......   . . . . . .Yikes.. ...




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